The Babylon 5 Babylon
"We look stunning in purple."

Even More Babylon 5 vs. Rest of Genre

Submitted by Pstonie D'Sane.

Match 01: Michael Garibaldi vs. Data
Match 02: Michael Garibaldi vs. Seven of Nine
Match 03: Lyta Alexander vs. Seven of Nine

Michael Garibaldi vs. Data

Round 1

Garibaldi circles the ring while Data stands still in the middle. "C'mon, you tin can!" "I do not see why I should engage in battle." Garibaldi makes a run at him and dives. Data steps aside, and Garibaldi misses and gets the wind knocked out of him by the floor.

Round 2

Garibaldi has recovered, and he aims his PPG at Data. Data turns his head in confusion. "That is not a weapon with which I am familiar." Garibaldi fires. Data looks down and puts his finger in the freshly-burned hole. "That is a powerful weapon."

Round 3

While Data is still sewing shut the hole in his uniform, Garibaldi makes another run at him. He dives and knocks Data off his feet. Garibaldi gets up. He runs up to Data and breaks his arm off. "I think I have experienced pain," says Data, with a excited look on his face.

Round 4

Garibaldi is now wielding a standard Starfleet-issue android arm. Garibaldi throws the arm at Data. Data catches it. "Thank you." Data starts to re-attach the arm. Garibaldi rolls his eyes and sighs, walks up to Data, and kicks him over. Data falls to the ground. Garibaldi breaks off Data's leg and beats him to bits with it.



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Michael Garibaldi vs. Seven of Nine

Round 1

Garibaldi looks Seven of Nine up and down with a strange look in his eye. "Wow," he says, and shakes his head. Seven smiles. Garibaldi topples over and passes out due to lack of blood to the brain.

Round 2

Garibaldi pulls his PPG. Seven pulls her hand phaser. Garibaldi looks at her with that strange look again. He lowers his weapon. "Hey baby, wha..." he starts to say. Seven fires her phaser at him, and he falls back. Garibaldi gets up, with a black hole burnt straight though his head. Seven looks confused. "Are your central thought systems not located in the head?" Garibaldi smiles. "Not right now."


Seven of Nine?

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Lyta Alexander vs. Seven of Nine

Round 1

Seven of Nine wakes up and realizes that Lyta is trying to scan her. Seven takes offense to this. "What are you doing?!" "Um, er... Nothing." "Remove yourself from my head immediately." Lyta whips out her PPG, and it charges up with a whistle.

Round 2

Lyta fires a shot. Seven stumbles back, unhurt. "Do not try that again." Lyta fires another shot, but it has no effect on Seven. With one firm swipe, Seven bumps the PPG out of Lyta's hand, breaking her wrist. "Ow!"

Round 3

Lyta punches Seven with her good hand. Seven stumbles back again. She turns her head and looks at Lyta with confusion and rage. "Do not touch me." Lyta attemps another swing. Seven grabs her hand, flips it behind her back and grabs her hair. "Ow! You bitch!" "I am Borg." Seven pulls Lyta's hair back and kicks her away. Lyta bounces off the wall, head first.


Seven of Nine.

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This site was created by Jeysie on November 3rd, 1998.
This page submitted by Pstonie D'Sane on May 17th, 2002.